Scott Murray

Special Counsel
Scott Murray
Scott has practised on behalf of employer/insurers in the area of workers' compensation for over 20 years.

Scott is a commercially focussed senior lawyer experienced in all areas of personal injury and workers’ compensation.

Scott’s combined experience across all areas of workers’ compensation and personal injury litigation gives him a unique perspective in devising strategies and operational responses to complex claims.

Scott’s experience includes having undertaken in-house secondment reviewing a cohort of 400 sensitive psychiatric injury based common law claims and providing an analysis report including tailored claims management strategies, all of which were adopted.

Scott provides a pragmatic and realistic approach to claims management and litigation solutions with the ability to nurture close client and stakeholder relationships.

Scott is acutely aware of the day to day challenges  which confront insurers and employers in managing claims and  works collaboratively with all stakeholders and service providers to ensure sound evidence based decision making and appropriate outcomes.

Scott has conducted litigation on behalf of employers in all jurisdictions in New South Wales. He has been instrumental in securing favourable outcomes  for the insurance industry including:

  • Bindah v Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts Australia Pty Ltd (2014) NSWCA 264


  • Dip Law (SAB)

Year and Place of Admission

  • 1998 in Sydney

Practice Areas