Workers' Compensation and Work Injury Damages
Our experienced team of lawyers has acquired over many years an extensive knowledge base enabling us to implement a wide range of diverse management strategies to accommodate the dynamic nature of claims management of statutory matters and common law litigation with a view to “optimum outcome” for all stakeholders.
Our team of lawyers intimately understands that an outcome in a statutory claim for compensation can have a “flow-on effect” for an employer and the icare workers insurance scheme. LLG embraces a holistic claims management strategy when dealing with statutory claims to look not only at a worker’s initial eligibility for compensation but also at the long-term potential liability of the scheme and its stakeholders, which flows from that initial decision. This holistic approach allows early identification of issues with a view to implementing strategic solutions to the claims and litigation management processes to facilitate early resolution with contributions from any culpable parties other than the employer.
If matters proceed to litigation our pre-emptive strategies enable us to collate all probative evidence to respond to the claim. In the rare event a claim does proceed to litigation and indeed to trial we rely on our experienced advocacy support team involving the most experienced and respected barristers in the field of personal injury in New South Wales.
<span data-buffer="">Death Claims<span data-metadata="">
LLG understands the sensitive nature of claims involving the death of a worker. In the majority of claims death benefits compensation will be payable and it is really a matter of efficient distribution of the lump sum benefit. We strive to ensure that the process is empathetically managed to promote early resolution and seamless distribution of the amounts payable pursuant to the legislation.
In the event that there are liability issues relevant to a death claim, we strive to thoroughly but sensitively prosecute a defence of the claim on behalf of the employer.
Section 151Z Recoveries
Our experienced and expert team of lawyers have over many years develop systems and strategies in respect of recovery of compensation from negligent third-party tortfeasors.
We recognise that the key to success in recovering compensation is to be able to access witnesses and the documentary evidence to prove breach of duty by the third party in the context of motor accidents, occupiers and public liability claims.
We have successfully conducted litigation in the District, Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal in relation to Recoveries under section 151Z of the 1987 Act.