Comprehensive legal services for Workers' Compensation and Public Liability Solutions

Lee Legal Group partners with Icare, the nominal insurer, government agencies, specialised, self-insurers, general insurers, and brokers in the provision of legal services relevant to the provision of workers’ compensation and public liability solutions.

Our legal solutions

Statutory Insurance matters

  • Workers’ Compensation and Work Injury Damages
  • Death Claims
  • Section 151Z Recoveries

Common Law matters

  • Public Liability & Occupiers Claims
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution

Who we are

Lee Legal Group was established in 2005 and immediately created a unique and agile legal service
delivery model which of necessity embraced the dynamic nature of workers’ compensation and
personal injury litigation in New South Wales.

Our dedicated team

Our team continues to grow and is recognised for its holistic and pragmatic approach to litigation and claims management solutions.

Get in touch

Absolute accessibility for all stakeholders to Lee Legal Group’s solicitors to achieve the best case outcome through collaborative effort with all stakeholders has been the cornerstone in the development and success of the our service delivery model and our outstanding reputation.
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